Hiring a real estate agent

Buyers, Cape Coral Real Estate, Fort Myers Real Estate, Sellers
How to pick the hire the perfect agent. As with anything, the real estate profession is filled with honest trustworthy agents, but there are those who give all hard working agents a bad name, with their lack of knowledge and shady practices. During the real estate boom, every Tom, Dick and Harry wanted to get in on the action and unfortunately many did.  There are countless stories of many of agents that ruined deals, artificially drove up prices and were engaging in fraudulent practices with mortgage brokers and appraisers, all for an extra buck.   Now unfortunately, consumers are having a hard time trusting Cape Coral real estate agents or brokers.  Now that the market crashed, we are left with the real professionals wanting to provide consumers with exceptional service, and…
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Green Homes

Are You Living 'Green"? When you think of going 'green' and reducing your carbon footprint what first comes to mind? "Instead of tossing out my soda cans, today will be the day I dig out the laundry occupying my recycle bin and use it as it was intended."  Well that is indeed a great start, but if we want to make a difference on the grand scale of things we can start by reviewing the materials we use to build or remodel our existing homes, or research the 'green' practices already in place in a home we intend to purchase.  When researching home builders and modelers in SW Florida, I came across many dedicated builders with the mission of transforming existing or building more 'green 'dwellings.  Here are some useful tips…
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Cape Coral Lease Option

Cape Coral Real Estate, Sellers, SW Florida Real Estate
Own a house in Cape Coral and want the most out of it? Consider a Lease Option & Contract.. Cape Coral lease options are a great idea again. Florida Future Realty, Inc. has been receiving a high number of requests for purchasing homes in Cape Coral via lease options. We are in need of more inventory to fulfill the needs of these buyers in Cape Coral. Many of these buyers have unfortunately lost a home in the past few years to a short sale, foreclosure or deed in lieu. They are good people who want to purchase a home they can afford but banks aren’t lending them money, yet. They want a place to call home and are sick of moving every 6-12 months from homes that are also going…
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