HAFA Short Sale in Cape Coral

Cape Coral residents are you facing a financial hardship? Are you unable to keep up with your current mortgage payments? Are you looking for options to keep your Cape Coral house or to short sale your house to avoid foreclosure?

There are programs available to assist owners in these situations. Have you heard about HAMP and HAFA? These acronyms are being thrown around a lot these days.

So what do HAFA and HAMP really mean to you? If you are having problems making your Cape Coral or Fort Myers mortgage payments this article should help guide you some. ~ remember that I am NOT an attorney or tax accountant; rather I am a real estate agent who works with homeowners to short sale their home or property~

The first few things to keep in mind are:

HAFA stands for Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives

If your lender advises you that you do not qualify for HAMP then you may qualify for a HAFA short sale or any other variation of short sale that they do offer. We can assist you with a short sale if that is the direction you choose to go. We always recommend that sellers attempt to keep their property through debt counseling, attempt a loan modification, etc but when those options don’t work for you we are here to assist you with a short sale.

Under HAFA guidelines, lenders work with homeowners to liquidate their home by means other than Foreclosure. These options are available for homeowners who:

    do not qualify for a trial mortgage modification under the Making Home Affordable Program;
    do not successfully complete the trial period for their modification;
    miss at least two consecutive payments during their modification period; or
    request a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.

Did you know that you may be able to receive $3,000 at closing after doing a short sale? The HAFA Program can help the strapped homeowner with relocation costs by offering this $3,000 cash at closing. Some lenders will start working with the homeowner and real estate agent right away to work out a plan for pricing, marketing and the sale of the home. This helps all parties move the property quickly to avoid foreclosure.

If we are unable to negotiate a short sale for some reason, most lenders will work out a deed-in-lieu with the homeowner. This is basically a *quick* foreclosure. With this option the homeowner may also receive the $3,000 cash for moving expenses.

You can read more about these options at:


Should you be thinking about a short sale contact us with any questions you may have. We have been successfully selling short sales in and around Cape Coral for several years now.

Our agents and staff are here to answer any questions you may have pertaining to selling (or buying) a short sale. Using discretion, care and professionalism we are able to assist you during this time frame. Past customers of ours will tell you that they were never made to feel bad about their situation and were always treated with respect and confidence.

Learn more about our team of short sale professionals or feel free to call us directly at (239) 542-8521.

Ready to search for available homes now? Visit our Cape Coral real estate source!

We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions at all give us a call!

(239) 542-8521


We look forward to working with you.

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