Back to School in Lee County 2008

Lee County School begins on August 18, 2008.

If you recently moved here to Lee County you need to register your child(ren) with the Lee county school system.

If you have a child going into Kindergarten they too will need to register. Children must be 5 years old as of Sept 1, 2008 to be eligible for enrollment.

Lee county also has a free VPK (preschool) program as well. Children must be 4 years old as of Sept 1, 2008 to enroll.

If you are new to the district, you can start here: How to Register your child

The 2 typical questions I am asked about the schools here in Lee County are:

  • What school district is this home in?

Lee County is set up as a school choice county. This means that you get your pick of what school your child goes to. You can pick from any of the schools in your zone. Most people end up getting their first or second choices. Go ahead, check out the Lee County School’s Zoning Map.

  • Are the schools good here?

Well that’s easy to answer. Lee County has a grading system set up for the schools. You can see how each ranks here in Lee County.

You can also find more information about homes and the communities at our website:

Feel free to call us for help with anything, we’ll be glad to help you find the answer!


Florida Future Realty, Inc.
